1 Heat Shot and 3 Ovulation Shots
1 Heat Shot and 3 Ovulation Shots
Not for dogs under 12 months
Complete IVF set up. Ovulation shots, Allows females better ovulation. Hit Bigger litters average two more puppies for small breeds, three to five for larger breeds. This package is for dogs under 35lbs. Safe and effective. Better than Bitch Pills, hot heffa, or anything else on the market. Don’t forget to purchase a vial opener and sterile water ampule.
International orders: only sold in ten packs
Administer heat shots, once estrus starts test with ovulation detector or progesterone machine. Once the correct numbers hit for your brand of machine administer ovulation shot two to three hours before each breeding. These are the manufacturer instructions. Some breeders will administer ovulation shots throughout her cycle of even hcg shots to bring a female into heat. We are not veterinarians nor do we offer any medical advice. Never administer to dog under 12 months.
Heat shots (clear liquid) brings bitches into heat. Each vial good to a 35 lb dog.
Administered behind neck under the skin. Heat starts within a week usually in a couple of days.
You still need ovulation shots to insecure your female is ovulating.
Ovulation shot (white powder). That is only used if a dog is already in heat, if you are attempting to increase litter size by optimizing ovulation. You administer three hours prior to each breeding. Manufacture recommend three shot's minimum. Shot intramuscular. White powder add three cc's sterile water.
Ovulation shots are also used to bring females into heat. For Split heats we offer hcg shots.
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This shii--- is awesome
Do you not need to disclose the name of the active ingredient?