How to Build a Successful American Pitbull Terrier Kennel
How to Become a Successful American Bully Pit Bull Breeder
American pit bull bull terriers have been around for hundreds of years. However, there is a new breed that spawned off of the original APBT know as the American Bully. With a new breed, comes new breeders. If you are looking to become a breeder, then you are off to a good start by reaching it first.
The majority of people get into the dog breeding business for a one of two reasons, either to money, or because they love the breed. Some are successful and better the breed, while others do damage to it. We will try to guide you on how to better the breed, and hopefully help you make some money while your at it.
Building an American Bully Kennel
As with anything, it takes money to make money. Investing in a proper set up is crucial for success. Find a good contractor that can pour concrete for your kennels and make sure to have proper drainage. To protect your dogs from the elements, you will need to install a roof, and put dog houses inside of the kennels. If you live in an area where the climates are extremely cold, they offer heated dog houses. If you live where the temperatures get extremely hot, you will want to add a cooling system. If you are going to insulate your dog houses inside of the kennel, you can use hay. However, you want to avoid using hay in your kennels during the summer months since they attract flies. Cooling systems usually consist of pvc piping that sprays a constant mist on your dogs. It’s a cheap and effective way of preventing your dogs from over heating.
When building an american bully kennel, it’s important to use well built kennels. If you use chain-link fencing, you can almost guarantee that your dogs will get loose. Cheap kennels, and Chain-link fencing can be a huge liability and and you want to prevent this by spending the money for quality welded powder coated kennels.
Choosing a Bloodline to Breed
When it comes to finding the foundation dogs for your kennel, you want to find a bloodline of dogs that suits your style. If you are looking for a clean American Bully, you want to look at the more traditional Razors Edge dogs, or even the Remyline bloodline. Both of these lines are more of the standard style American Bullies.
If you want more of an extreme looking line of dogs, you will want to look at Gottiline, or even some of the newer kennels that are breeding Razors Edge. Kurupt line is also a great choice for more exotic and extreme bullies.
Finding foundation dogs for your yard
Once you find the style of bully that you want to breed, you will need to find a kennel that is will to let go of some foundation stock. You want to get your foundation females from a kennel that has been around for a while. Kennels like Daxline, West Coast Gottiline, and Kurput Line are all know for producing quality and consistent litters. Therefore, you shouldn’t have a problem finding a couple of quality foundation dogs from kennels like these. Note today there are many top notch bloodlines that came down from the above mentioned bloodlines.
Be sure to get detailed pedigree information on the dogs to ensure you are getting a quality line bred dog (Meaning that the same ancestors appear more than once in the 4 generation pedigree). Line bred dogs usually produce the most consistent litters. Any kennel that has been around and knows what they are doing will only line breed, and sometimes inbreed their dogs. We will discuss line breeding and inbreeding in more detail later in these articles. Heat Shots and Ovulation Shots are the best way to get maximum results from your breeding program. They can be purchased at
Breeding American Bully Pitbulls
There is an extremely popular American Bully Stud known as Mr. Miyagi. If you are fortunate enough to produce a dog that becomes as popular as Miyagi, you will have no problem studding your dog out for $5,000.00 a breeding. However, You want to avoid buying male dogs at first. This is due to the fact that they don’t always turn out the way you expect. Housing them is also expensive. The solution is to take you female back to the kennel you got it from and line breed back to on of their stud dogs. Eventually you will be able to keep a male that you produced when the time is right.
A good quality foundation dog will usually run in the 2,500 – 3,500 price range. Anything more than this, don’t bother. I’ve ran across kennels that have 100,000 price tags on their puppies. While they may be producing nice dogs, they usually don’t have anything that you can’t find cheaper somewhere else. The reason people pay these ridiculous prices for dogs is always due to lack of knowledge about the breed. Anyone with any type of knowledge about American Bully bloodlines would never pay this much for a dog. Just keep in mind, just because the price tag is high, doesn’t mean it’s worth it.
Short Wide and Extreme Pitbulls
Short wide and extreme pitbulls like these are becoming extremely popular. If you are in debate on which line of dogs (More traditional standard american bullies or extreme bullies) these line of dogs usually sell for far more money in comparison to standard bullies.
Find a Stud Dog for Your Yard
The majority of American Bully breeder offer stud service. If you are new to breeding dogs, you should take advantage of this.
Many people that get started in the dog breeding business usually purchase a stud dog or two along with some female dogs. Housing, feeding, and taking care of stud dogs can be very expensive and your not always guaranteed to have a great stud dog once they mature. The better way of going about this is to only purchase female dogs. When they are ready to breed you can contact kennels that offer stud service, or contact the kennel you purchased the female from.
You have a few benefits using a pitbull stud from another breeder instead of purchasing one yourself:
You can use a well known stud that will help puppy sales. You can line breed your dog using the kennel that you purchased your female from. (Line breeding will guarantee more consistent litters.)
You may wait two years only to find out the dog you purchased didn’t turn out to be a worthy stud dog. (Avoid this all together by using studs from other breeders)
As with all breeds of pit bulls, Blue nose pitbull puppies have excellent temperaments when socialized properly. If you put the work in when they are young, it will pay off in the long run. Having an aggressive dog can be a very big nuisance, not to mention a huge liability. If you own a dog that has the strength and power that a pitbull has, you need to put the work in to make sure they are socialized properly.Welcome to part two of how to successfully breed American Bullies.
When starting your program, it’s important to only purchase female puppies for your breeding program. Many breed try to take shortcuts and purchase adult females to start their breeding program. I highly advise against this. It would be a rare occasion for a dog breeder to sell a quality adult female that is able to produce puppies. It’s unfortunate, but this happens all of the time. A kennel offers an adult female dog for sale knowing the the dog is unable to produce litters. You invest time and money into the dog, only to find out that the dog is unable to breed. Your safest bet is to purchase a few female pups from a reputable breeder and wait until they mature.
How to Avoid Scams When Purchasing a Puppy
When looking for a puppy, it’s very easy to run across an ad that is a scam on the internet. Usually, scam artist use classified ads and post dog they don’t even own. There are even kennels that have websites and registered domains that will rip you off as well. It is very easy to protect your money when it comes to purchasing a pup. If you following these rules, you have no chance of falling victim to a scam.
Pick the Puppy up in person and pay cash if possible. Make sure the puppy’s papers are with a puppy at the time of purchase. Don’t fall for the old “the puppies registration papers will be in the mail” line. Be firm and make sure the puppy’s UKC papers are in hand. If the dog isn’t registered with the UKC, don’t bother purchasing the puppy. Any respectable American Bully Breeder will have their litter registered with UKC.
If you can’t pick the puppy up in person, make sure you use Paypal. Paypal is a great way to send money online securely. If the transaction turns out to be fraudulent, paypal will reimburse you money.
Tell the breeder to send pictures of both the sire and dam’s registration papers.
Never use money gram or western union to send payment.
If you can’t use paypal, use a credit card. A dispute can be filed with your credit company if the transaction is fraudulent as well.
If you cannot follow the above contact via for a puppy consultation. They offer programs that deliver top quality puppies from only the best certified breeders in the game. They make your job easy. Note this is a premium luxury service. They have over thirty years in the business.
How to Breed Pitbulls
If you are breeding American Bullies, they becoming a part of the American Bully Pit Bull community is a great way to get involved with the breed. While ABKC shows aren’t for everyone, attending these is a great way to advertise your kennel.
Becoming part of the American Bully Community
If you are breeding American Bullies, it would be a good idea to make contacts in the American Bully Community. Once of the best ways to learn more about the breed, advertise your kennel, and learn more about the breed is by participating in American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) dog shows.
These shows are held throughout the world all year round. View upcoming ABKC events at At these shows they hold events for the standard American bullies, extreme bullies, as well as XL dogs. It’s also a great way to gain some bragging rights for your kennel if you dog places in these shows. The website has all your dog breeders needs. They are a breeders Paradise!
Advertising your Kennel Online
The days of advertising your litter in the newspaper are long gone. Social media should be the only choice when it comes to advertising your kennel. The best and most effective social media outlets for advertising your kennel:
Google Plus
ABKC forums (Found on Facebook)
Instagram (Make sure to add proper tags to your photos #bully #abkc #pitbulls ext.)
biggest xxl xl pitbulls
XXL or XL pit bulls have become extremely popular as well. Pit Bull puppies from bloodlines like King Lion go for upwards of 10,000 a puppy. It would just be a matter of finding some a kennel that is selling this bloodline for a reasonable price. You shouldn’t have to pay more than 2,500 – 3,500 for a quality foundation puppy. But the top is more along 5,000 - 10,000. Also, keep in mind, if you are planning on breeding XL style pitbulls, your dog food bills will double. These dog range from 90 – 135 pounds.
How to Produce Consistent Litters That sell using Line Breeding
When it comes to breeding bullies, the more extreme style dogs tend to sell the best. People want a dog that stands our from the crowd. The best way to reproduce consistent litters that will ensure your dogs look like their ancestors, is by line breeding.
Line breeding is very important to to reproduce puppies that have the same structure, movement, temperament and genetic inheritance such as bites and hearing, hips, as well as soundness, style, drive and showmanship.
Dog Supplements Muscle Building
Blue American Bully Studs as shown above usually sell out litters before they are even born. To avoid any headaches, we recommend that you send a contract to your customers prior to accepting their deposit. The contract should include a Non-Refunable deposit notice, details on the sire and dam of the breeding, as well as any other information you may want to include. Here is a great puppy contract that we would recommend using whenever you accept a deposit for a breeding.
One of the most common and best ways to line breed a dog is by taking a female back to the brother of it’s father (Uncle bred to Niece). Example of how to do a line breeding correctly.
Find a dog breeder has a great looking stud dog and also owns the dog’s brother.
Purchase a puppy from on of the stud’s litters
Immediately purchase frozen semen straws from the stud dog’s brother.
You would want to purchase enough straws for at-least two breedings, three would even be better. (This will ensure you will be able to repeat the breeding if the first breeding isn’t successful)
american bully breeding
To keep your dogs healthy, a quality dog food and supplement is highly recommended. Not only will good diet benefit your dog’s health, it will benefit you financially since you will have less visits to the vet. Some breeders choose raw diets, other prefer a holistic dog food. Whatever the case, a good diet isn’t cheap. A quality supplement is also recommended to keep your dog healthy.
When the puppies is old enough to be bred (Usually around 2 years of aga) you will have have a solid line breeding ready to take place (uncle / niece line breeding). It won’t matter if the price of their stud raised, the stud passed away, or any other situation where the stud wouldn’t be able to breed. You already have the frozen straws stored and ready to use. You are also well on your way to producing a litters that have the potential to outproduce the kennel that you got your dogs from.
You can store frozen semen for 30 years and it will work just as good as it did on day one. Find a reputable veterinarian that preforms surgical artificial inseminations as well as stores frozen semen prior to planning this breeding. Surgical AI’s have a much better chance of taking in comparison to your standard AI. All you standard AI breeding tools can be purchased at
Your goal in every breeding should be produce the best possible dogs. When you produce consistent litters and amazing bullies, the puppies will sell themselves. Good Luck! $
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